Solder Bar 63/37


Lead Free Solder Bars


Leaded Solder Bars


Sn Ag Cu Pb Sb Bi Zn Fe Al As Cd
63±0.5 < 0.1 < 0.08 37±0.2 < 0.1 < 0.1 < 0.001 < 0.02 < 0.001 < 0.03 < 0.002
The Sn63Pb37 Tin Lead Solder Bar can be applied in the high-precision electronic products as well as the other manufactured goods which call for precise soldering work. It can be also used for the soldering of common electronic products. Moreover, our product is ideal for use in the automotive and electronics industries. It is dedicated for the manual soldering of printed circuit boards and some others. The Sn-37Pb is the most common type of tin-lead alloy solder, which features the maximum dosage and the maximum demand. Sn63Pb37 represents that the alloy of solder contains the 63% tin content and the 37% lead content. With the melting point of 183 degrees Celsius and the working temperature of 205 degrees Celsius, this Sn63Pb37 tin lead solder bar can offer quite stable welding performance.


  1. Favorable Fatigue Resistance and Outstanding Soldering Performance
  2. Ultra High Electrical Conductivity
  3. Mid-Temperature Soldering The manufactured product belongs to the mid-temperature solder, which is characterized by nice softness, and wonderful wetting property.
  4. Ultra Strong Oxidation Resistance

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VIGSON SOLDER offers high quality Leaded and Lead free Solder Bars

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